Monday, December 6, 2010

A few things...

Yesterday, two of my three kids were in the church kid's program. Abbe did puppets and sang while Ruth read all of the Scriptures for the program. This is a big deal because Ruth has ADHD and has anxiety about getting up in front of a group of people. She did awesome! Everyone was telling how well she did; this will be a big self esteem boost for her. Eian said he "is too big to be with the preschoolers." Sooooo, he "helped" me video the thing. Should be interesting to look at!

Just got through looking up 18th century bags, haversacks and wallets to see if I could find something interesting to make for my little brother. (My siblings and I decided to draw names for the first time.) So I found this snapsack. Now I just need to add it to the list of things to make for Christmas!

Found time to go to my friend, Linda's, house this afternoon. We talked and knitted and laughed. It was nice to have a couple of hours with a friend. Also, Jason was in a bad mood after coming home from the firehouse so it was really a good time to get away!

Need to work on my 40 list! Need to get started on a banner for this page and my Etsy shop! Also, some business cards and shop avatar.

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