Tuesday, November 22, 2011


has hit our house.

Abbe has had a stomach bug since Saturday night. She is still not feeling well enough to go to school today.

Eian and Ruth finally coughed and breathed and sneezed and kissed me enough that I got their yucky stuff. Sooo.... am really feeling crappy.

Abbe and I didn't get to go to the Lego store on Sunday with Eian for his birthday. Jason gallantly took Ruth and Eian by himself. I KNOW the store was a complete mess with people, and keeping track of those two by yourself can be quite hard. Let alone the fact that they were picking out Legos! And let alone the fact that the store was crazy with Christmas shoppers. Thank you Jason for being such great dad!

So, no pictures today. Will post better once I am feeling better!

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