Friday, December 9, 2011

So sorry...

...that it has been so long since I have posted. Unfortunately, AM STILL SICK. (Triple sigh.) Will have a decent day, think I am finally going to feel better, and then a bad day again. Am trying to push through so we can do our normal Christmas goings on!

Anyway, here are the long awaited pictures from Eian's birthday. Three celebrations for one little 7 year old! As I was looking through them, I realized I didn't take very many from the party because I was too busy trying to keep everybody busy!

Eian's cupcakes for his class at school. He wanted homemade chocolate ones with homemade icing and leaf sprinkles. So what did he get? Homemade chocolate ones with homemade icing and leaf sprinkles, of course. Eian's friend, Tucker, said they were the best cupcakes he had ever had!

He has twenty six kids in his class (his teacher is a saint and AWESOME), and part of taking cupcakes to school is taking one to all the other teachers in your grade, the secretary and the principal. So that meant two batches of cupcakes. We had enough to celebrate on his birthday night with candles.

He wanted a chocolate tower cake with green icing and Lego candy for his party. Well, I couldn't find Lego candy so he said Sour Patch Kids would do. Notice all the cake crumbs in the icing.

Well, I have never made a tower cake so this was interesting! This is the back! Ugh! Good thing this was a boy party. All that matters to them is that it tastes good, and that it did.

We played games, opened presents, and made lego creations and spaceships. (Again, no pictures because I was too busy helping. Where was Jason???????)

Afterward, Jason and I watched OSU football while the kids watched The Muppet Show and ate Jason's homemade pizza. YUM!

I think everyone had a good time - Eian said he did so that was all that mattered! Riley was plumb tuckered from having all the kids running around. (Drool is usual.)


Now, we are going to watch one episode of The Muppet Show (got Season One from the library) and get them off to bed!

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