Friday, October 26, 2012

God is Awesome!

Ok. So God is really kicking it to me this week!

Joyce Meyer might as well have been talking right to me this morning. Part of her message was on how to stay happy and cheerful when faced with chaos in your life.

You need to turn it over to God.

Soooo...I know this. I really do. But things have been so very chaotic around here lately that I have let my knowledge of this disappear into the clouds of chaos that have been my life.

I am feeling much more at peace the past couple of days. Talking with Jason some about everything always helps too. There is a reason he is my helpmate and my cornerstone. God chose a very forgiving man for me and I am thankful for it.

God really spoke to me this morning and I praise him for it! Thank you Lord for your guidance.


The other evening was so beautiful that I decided to take the kids to the park. This was a beautiful time to go. It helps me find peace to be in nature and appreciate all that God has made. (Jason went to dinner and to see the movie "Burn" with a bunch of his firefighter guys.)

Here are some pictures from that evening. The thing is, the pictures proceed to get more and more blurry as the evening progressed. I really need to learn to use the manual settings on my camera!

Frogs were EVERYWHERE! The kids kept saying "There's a frog!" "There's a frog!" "There's a frog!" And of course, Eian and Ruth wanted to catch them. Sigh. No, its a park - not supposed to touch or take. Except for pictures.

We saw this really cool duck. But it kept diving under the water for a really long time and I kept thinking it was eaten by a turtle. Finally, Ruth said, "Mom. It is probably a loon not a duck."

Ahhhh.... Abbe at her best. So glad I captured this.

The trees had lost most of their leaves but still some beautiful ones left.

Big Foot's foot print according to Ruth.

A kingfisher, which I said was a blue jay. Ruth - "No, Mom. It's a kingfisher." Abbe - "Just like we chase away from Grandma and Grandpa's pond."

The loon again.

My big spot and identification: bob white quail. Ruth just read this afternoon that the Metro Parks are releasing them. I just wish I would have been able to get a better, less blurry, picture. I was afraid to move because I was afraid it would run away. I have never, ever seen one at a place that is as busy as this park is. Only in the woods where it is pretty quiet. DEFINITELY not with three kids talking and fighting and laughing and jumping!

Abbe spotted this rabbit - she was thrilled.

Eian hanging upside down and looking under the dock for more frogs.

There are fish in there, I promise.

Some sort of tern.

We had a good evening. We needed it.

Where do you go to find peace?


JEO46 said...

Such cute pictures of some cute kids. ----and, yes it was a kingfisher! Would LOVE to see a quail. Used to hear them when I was a kid--always loved that sound.

Nana said...

We have those bumps in the road... Knowing and learning God is... There for us... Took me lots of bumps to learn.... Prayers have been lifting your family... Daily prayer is good for all.. I will miss my hummingbirds out the sewing window... My little corner of the world... You can find your peace any place.. Just closing your eyes, ears, mind. Reflection will bring altogether. We have so many BLESSINGS...Look how many you found in a few hours... Love the pictures.... Before and after and Abigail... Like the last better... Woww... Lots of wildlife... bIG toad out the front door...Papa found him... Love this time of year...

Nana said...

We saw and heard loons and eagles on the lakes in Minesota... Fog lifting and the loons morning music...