Thursday, March 20, 2014



I have been lost.

So sorry leaving for almost a year without a note.

I have been lost in the depths of depression. Depression is a nasty situation. This winter has definitely NOT helped in the least. Yet, it really started to get worse last spring and continued through the summer with is not normal. Usually the warm spring and summer sunshine will help pull me out of my winter funk that I fall in to almost always. But not last year. And of course this winter in Ohio has been one of the worst EVER. Snow. FEET of snow. Cold temperatures that I have not seen since that terrible winter in college (and had a 7:45 am class across campus UGH).

Finally, we are seeing whisperings of spring around here. A few green blades of grass. Robins. Lovely spring robins. And my spring bulbs are poking up. I think they are testing to see if spring really is about ready to spring.

Also, Ruth will be going to a brick and mortar school next year. I have really loved having my big girl at home these last three years. We have grown closer and I feel like I really know who she is. She has also blossomed into a great young lady which has been wonderful to experience first hand. But it is time.

So, I am hoping to get loads of items that have been on my to do list, accomplished. And I am hoping to be able to share them with you.

Here is to the promise of spring.


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