Monday, November 14, 2011


Yesterday we went to a friends house for a Thanksgiving dinner. They are our friends from rendezvous so we have known them for a long time. Sharon fixes ALL of the food. Jason and I were figuring that there were about 50 people there, and plenty of food was leftover too. She does it for the love of it. She loves to cook and cook for people. On the way home Jason said, "They really have a great place." I agree. It (and they) just makes you feel welcome.

Her husband, Jim, was giving me some photography pointers. He also offered to help me whenever I would want to come down. Yea! I have been wanting to learn more about taking pictures. I usually only use the automatic settings on my camera because I have NO IDEA how to do the rest. This is how my pictures turn out when I don't use the automatic settings - blurry.

We haven't been able to go the past few years because someone is always sick or has something to do.

My nephew, Wesley, was there. We don't get to see him a lot because they live about two hours away. Eian gets very jealous of Wesley. He says that Abbe and I spend too much time oohing and ahhing over Wesley. I always tell Eian that he will ALWAYS be MY baby boy and nothing can change that.

This picture of Wesley and his mama, Briana, is one of my favorites from the day.

Wesley LOVES to be photographed. Here he is when I first brought the camera to where they were. You can just see him thinking "What does Aunt Andrea have?"

And then, "Ohhhh...Camera...Smile!" He cracks me up.

Wesley also walks around "talking" about everything to everyone. He doesn't say many words yet but when he starts everyone better watch out. Eian was like that and now he NEVER SHUTS UP! We have a constant stream of observations and questions coming at us all day.

So, we enjoyed GREAT food, WONDERFUL fellowship, and a BEAUTIFUL setting. I saw people there that I haven't seen in YEARS and would never have thought about seeing there. Isn't amazing how God works?

Dad, Jason, Ruth, Eian and I went for a walk in the woods after dinner. We saw numerous signs of deer. Going out in nature always reminds me of how great God is.

Jason took these on his iphone. I forgot to get my camera out until later in the day. I was just relaxing and talking.


It was also my big brother's birthday yesterday. Happy Birthday old man. ;-)

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